Compete with the best
Individual & Team events

Welcome to The NAPGC
The National Association of Public and Proprietary Golf Clubs
Dedicated to providing competitions for all abilities & ages
In 1927, five times Open Champion John Henry Taylor and the renowned course architect FG Hawtree formed the NAPGC. Both were men of vision who believed the new association would bring about cohesion between “public” and “private” golf.
Around 100 years on the philosophy remains unchanged and the Association has adapted to the many changes that have evolved in the organisation and management of “public course golf”. The focus of the Association is very much on providing competitive golf opportunities for Men, Women and Juniors of all ages and handicaps.
In the recent past the Association was renamed to the ‘National Association of Public and Proprietary Golf Clubs and Course’ recognising the large number of golf courses owned by individuals or companies but nevertheless open to the General Public. The NAPGC welcomes new clubs in the hope that the Association will continue to grow as a truly national organisation representing public course golf and its golfers.

Latest News

Finals Weekend at Staverton Park
The NAPGC annual finals took place at Staverton Park Golf Course over the weekend of 02 September. A total of 9 competitions were decided in some very close matches over the course of the 3 days.

Mens Championship Final At Woodhall Spa
The Men’s Championship Final was held Saturday 26th August on the Bracken course at England Golf’s headquarters , Woodhall Spa, Lincolnshire.

Golf Genius chosen for all competitions
From 2023, NAPGC will be using Golf Genius as our competition management software application.

England Golf introduce new World Handicap System policy
With tough new rules on general play scores laid out, Steve Carroll spoke to the governing body’s director of championships James Crampton to find out the reason behind them.