Cheshire Union of Golf Clubs History
From humble beginnings in 1920, with just 36 affiliated clubs, the Cheshire Union of Golf Clubs has not only survived WWII but has grown into a prospering organisation with 99 clubs and a big calendar of matches and championships.
Cheshire was rather late in forming a Union of Golf Clubs. Yorkshire’s organisation had been in existence since 1894, Lancashire followed suit in 1910 and Derbyshire in 1913. It is probable that the onset of the First World War postponed any thoughts of forming of a Union in Cheshire, and it would not be until 1920 that the subject attracted any further serious consideration.
What is very clear is that it would be entirely inappropriate, if not impossible, to form a Union of Cheshire clubs without the full backing and support of the Royal Liverpool club. It is evident that the Lancashire Union of Golf Clubs was struggling to gain full support, given the reluctance of the major clubs on the coast to throw their full weight behind the organisation. Royal Lytham, Formby and West Lancs did not join the Lancashire Union until shortly after WW1. In 1921, only seven of their clubs entered teams in the county championship. Yorkshire, however, seem to have enjoyed the total support of all of their clubs and was a thriving organisation with a well-supported calendar of championships and matches.
It is clear that the real driving force behind the formation of the Union was Daniel Mylrea, who had been instrumental in establishing the Sale Golf Club. In October, 1920 he wrote to all clubs in the county asking if they would be willing to support the proposed county Union, and it is clear he received a very positive response.
Consequently, in November, 1920, at a meeting in Manchester’s Midland Hotel, the formation of the Cheshire Union of Golf Clubs was confirmed. There was an initial tally of 36 clubs which committed to join the Union, including Royal Liverpool, Wallasey, Leasowe, Bromborough and all of the clubs in the east of the county. Harold Janion, the renowned secretary of Royal Liverpool was elected as President, with Daniel T.Mylrea (Sale) Hon Secretary and Geoffrey Tweedale (Wilmslow) Hon Treasurer, both being driving forces in the Union’s inception. It was agreed that there would be a sliding scale of subscription fees, based on the number of members within a club, subject to a minimum subscription of one guinea.
So the Cheshire Union of Golf Clubs was born. With the full backing of the county’s clubs, and in particular that of Royal Liverpool, and against a backdrop of a steady growth in new clubs, the future looked very encouraging.
It is noted in the Stockport club’s minutes that their Captain and Secretary who both attended the inaugural meeting, had the club’s authority to offer the Stockport course as the venue for the first county championship meeting. Delamere Forest had also cleary indicated an interest in hosting the championship, and it was subsequently agreed that the latter would play host in 1921. Each of the 36 founder clubs donated £2.2.0 for a County Championship trophy.

Harold Janion

Daniel T.Mylrea (Sale G.C.), a driving force in the formation of the Cheshire Union and its first Hon Secretary
Image courtesy of Sale G.C.
Historical Archive
We celebrated our Centenary a year later than planned in 2021 due to Covid 19 restrictions.
A book to mark the Centenary was published early in 2021. It can be purchased via the County Secretary. We also created a digital archive which we intend to augment with new material as it is unearthed. If you have any material that relates to Cheshire golf we’d be delighted to hear from you. Please email our archivist, Jerry Dixon
You can view the archive here.
– Delamere Forest hosted the first County Championship
– Cheshire were instrumental in the formation of the English Golf Union in 1924
– Cheshire were the first winners of the English Counties Championship
– A Cheshire player, Thomas Froes Ellison, won the first two English Amateur Championships
– By 1935 Cheshire had won the County Championship, provided two double winners and a further winner of the English Amateur, plus a double semi-finalist